Pronominal Antecedents as Cohesive Devices in Translation
DOI:الكلمات المفتاحية:
Cohesion، Pronominal References، Cohesive Devices، Anaphoric، Cataphoricالملخص
Cohesion is a critical aspect of text construction, ensuring logical flow and clarity in communication. Among the cohesive devices employed in discourse, pronominal references stand out as key tools for maintaining unity within a text. These references, primarily pronouns, act as substitutes for nouns or noun phrases, linking sentences and ideas while reducing redundancy. This study explores the role of pronominal references as cohesive devices, focusing on their types—anaphoric, cataphoric, and exophoric—and their function in creating coherence in English texts. Additionally, the paper delves into challenges associated with the use of pronominal references, such as ambiguity, cultural differences, and grammatical mismatches in translation. By examining examples from English texts and comparing them to other languages, particularly Arabic, this research highlights the nuances involved in preserving cohesion across linguistic systems. The findings emphasize the importance of clarity, context, and grammatical agreement when using pronouns. Moreover, strategies are proposed for effective use in writing and translation, including ensuring clear antecedents, balancing pronoun usage with explicit nouns, and adapting to cultural and linguistic norms. This paper contributes to the understanding of pronominal references as both linguistic and translational tools, offering insights for linguists, writers, and translators aiming to achieve cohesive and coherent communication.
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Brown, G., & Yule, G. (1983). Discourse Analysis. Cambridge University Press
Baker, M. (1992). In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation. Routledge

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- التعديل:المزج، التحويل، والإضافة على العمل.
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- نَسب المُصنَّف (المقالة):يجب عليك نَسب العمل لصاحبه بطريقة مناسبة، وتوفير رابط للترخيص، وبيانُ إذا ما قد أُجريت أي تعديلات على العمل. يُمْكِنُكَ القيام بهذا بأي طريقة مناسبة، ولكن على ألا يتم ذلك بطريقة توحي بأن المُؤَلِّف أو المُرَخِّص مُؤَيِّد لك أو لعملك.
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