Peruanisms in Two Translations of the Novel “Who Killed Palomino Molero?”




Latin American Literature, Mario Vargas Llosa, Who killed Palomino Molero, Translation of Peruanisms, Translation Criticism


This study aims to address the translation of Peruanisms in two Arabic translations of the novel Who Killed Palomino Molero? written by the Nobel Prize-winning Peruvian novelist Mario Vargas Llosa, in order to arrive at a conclusion about the necessity of mastery of the translator of literary works in Spanish with regard to the Latin American dialect in which the literary work is written. To achieve this purpose the researcher randomly selected twenty-five Peruanisms that appeared in the novel, and qualitatively analyzed how translators translated them, giving some quantitative connotations. The results of this study describe that if the translator undertakes to translate a literary work that is dominated by a particular dialect, he must be familiar with this dialect, and not be satisfied with his knowledge of the standard language.

Author Biography




How to Cite

Peruanisms in Two Translations of the Novel “Who Killed Palomino Molero?”. (2024). Arabic Journal for Translation Studies, 3(7), 43-71.