The Writing Production Task in a FLE/FFL Course in Distancial Mode (Case of the TEAMS Platform)




Written Expression, Action Oriented Approach, Distance Learning


The adoption and expansion of distance learning has made a major impact on education in general, and foreign language teaching in particular. However, this mode can be detrimental to one of the essential components of this teaching: written expression. Consequently, unless carefully and appropriately integrated, this component of language teaching will lose its relevance to learners, as well as its effectiveness. In order to overcome these and other challenges, the aim of this paper is to compare the realization of the written production activity between the face-to-face and distance modes, in order to identify the contributions and limitations of the latter to this type of activity.


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Author Biographies

  • Marwan Serrar, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tétouan, Morocco

    Email: ; École normale supérieure (ENS), Humanities and Education Laboratory (ERDLM)

  • Ahmed Ibrahimi, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tétouan, Morocco

    Email: ; École normale supérieure (ENS), Humanities and Education Laboratory (ERDLM)



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How to Cite

The Writing Production Task in a FLE/FFL Course in Distancial Mode (Case of the TEAMS Platform). (2025). Arabic Journal for Translation Studies, 4(11), 35-44.