International Migrants in the Host Country: Balancing the Challenge of Integration and the Challenge of Inclusion: a Field Study of International Migrants in The Hay-Elhassani Casablanca Morocco
International migration, Morocco, Integration, Cultural integration, Hay-ElhassaniAbstract
Morocco's immigration policy has undergone several changes. Initially, Morocco focused on regulating the emigration of its citizens abroad by preventing and combating illegal immigration. In addition, there have been constant efforts to improve the country's economic and social conditions. Currently, the focus has shifted to a new approach to the integration of international immigrants arriving in Morocco, particularly taking into account linguistic differences and cultural customs that facilitate their cultural integration into the new society (Morocco).
In this context and in the context of international migration, this study aimed to trace Morocco's approach to the integration of immigrants, particularly with regard to cultural aspects. It also aimed to assess the level of integration of these international immigrants in the Hassan II district of Casablanca, particularly in terms of language, education, training and participation in sports and cultural activities.
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