Youth Artistic Expressions in Public Spaces: A Sociological Perspective on Cultural Dynamics in Urban Contexts




Artistic expressions, Youth and culture, Street art, Cultural dynamism, Urban areas


This sociological study focuses on understanding and interpreting artistic expressions in the urban public spaces of Casablanca, commonly referred to as "Street Arts." These expressions are sociologically classified within the youth subculture and include forms such as street music, street theater, street murals (graffiti), and others. In general, they refer to the manifestations of urban youth culture and its expressions in public spaces, carrying numerous symbolic meanings and connotations.

As part of this study, we investigate the presence of youth in public spaces by focusing on the viability of these artistic forms in which young people engage, while also challenging the concept of "committed art" that addresses social issues. Additionally, our focus on the artistic presence of urban youth has provided insight into their culture and contemporary interactions, enabling us to examine the social representations through which specific youth groups construct their perceptions of the city.

Through the study's results, we gained a clearer understanding of youth artistic expressions in the first instance, while also delving into the socio-cultural backgrounds of young practitioners and linking them to what is happening in urban public spaces. These dynamics oscillate between cultural and social elements within the public actions of citizens in general, and youth in particular.

This led us to employ qualitative research tools, particularly those related to direct observation, participant observation, semi-structured interviews with various young actors, and content analysis of their discourses. These methods allowed us to build an understanding that identifies indicators of changes in the value and identity systems of youth on one hand, and the issues surrounding artistic expressions that use public space as an interactive environment on the other. This also made it possible to highlight the diversity of discourses on youth culture expressed by members of society.


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How to Cite

Youth Artistic Expressions in Public Spaces: A Sociological Perspective on Cultural Dynamics in Urban Contexts. (2025). Arabic Journal for Translation Studies, 4(10), 257-268.