Arbitration in Algerian Labor Law




Arbitration, Strike, Collective labor disputes, Arbitration committee, Algerian labor legislation


Sometimes, work relationships between employees and employers become strained, whether in the public or private sector. The persistence of such tensions without resolution may escalate into a collective labor dispute. In such cases, the employer may attempt to resolve the issue amicably through mechanisms of dialogue, reconciliation, and mediation. However, these channels may occasionally reach an impasse, forcing workers to resort to strikes as a means of pressuring the employer to improve working conditions, secure new rights, or alleviate labor obligations.

Given that strikes are among the most harmful means to public and private institutions—particularly when their scope expands to pose a threat to national security—the Algerian legislator has intervened to address situations that may lead to such outcomes. To this end, a quasi-judicial mechanism was introduced to resolve collective labor disputes when dialogue, reconciliation, and mediation channels are exhausted: arbitration. Arbitration has also been established as a mechanism for resolving labor disputes for categories of workers prohibited from striking. This framework was legislated and regulated under Law No. 23/08 of June 21, 2023, concerning the prevention and resolution of collective labor disputes, the right to strike, and Executive Decree No. 23-364 of October 17, 2023.


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الدستور الجزائري 2020

القانون 23-02 المتعلق بالنشاطات النقابية، ج.ر 29، 02/05/2023

القانون 23-08 المتعلق بالوقاية من النزاعات الجماعية للعمل وتسويتها وممارسة حق الإضراب

المرسوم التنفيذي رقم 23-359 المتعلق بكيفيات تقدير تمثيلية المنظمات النقابية ومضمون المؤشرات الإحصائية الخاصة بمنخرطيها المؤرخ في 17/10/2023 ، ج.ر عدد 67 ، 18/10/2023

المرسوم التنفيذي رقم23-261 المتعلق بقائمة قطاعات الأنشطة و مناصب العمل التي تتطلب تنفيذ حد أدنى من الخدمة إجباريا وقائمة القطاعات والمستخدمين والوظائف الممنوع عليهم اللجوء إلى الإضراب المؤرخ في 17/10/2023 ، ج.ر عدد 67 ، 18/10/2023

المرسوم التنفيذي رقم 23 - 364 المتعلق بتحديد تشكيلة وكيفيات تعيين أعضاء اللجنة الوطنية واللجنة الولائية للتحكيم في مجال النزاعات الجماعية للعمل وكذا تنظيمهما وسيرهما المؤرخ في 17/10/2023 ، ج.ر عدد 67، 18/10/2023

أنيس، إبراهيم مصطفى؛ والزيات، أحمد. (1998). المعجم الوسيط (ط. 2). القاهرة: دار الدعوة

لطرش، علي. (2024). سلطة العمال في الجزائر. برلين: المركز الديمقراطي العربي


Romanization of Arabic Bibliography

The Algerian Constitution of 2020

Law 23-02 concerning trade union activities, Official Gazette No. 29, dated 02/05/2023

Law 23-08 concerning the prevention and resolution of collective labor disputes and the exercise of the right to strike

Executive Decree No. 23-359 concerning the methods of assessing the representativeness of trade union organizations and the content of statistical indicators related to their members, dated 17/10/2023, Official Gazette No. 67, dated 18/10/2023

Executive Decree No. 23-261 concerning the list of sectors of activity and job positions requiring the mandatory implementation of a minimum service and the list of sectors, employers, and jobs prohibited from resorting to strikes, dated 17/10/2023, Official Gazette No. 67, dated 18/10/2023

Executive Decree No. 23-364 concerning the composition and appointment procedures for members of the National and Provincial Arbitration Committees in the field of collective labor disputes, as well as their organization and functioning, dated 17/10/2023, Official Gazette No. 67, dated 18/10/2023

Anis, I, M., & Al-Zayyat, A. (1998). Al-Muʿjam Al-Wasīṭ [The Intermediate Dictionary] (2nd Ed.). Cairo: Dar Al-Daʿwah Publishing

Latrash, A. (2024). Sulṭat Al-ʿUmmāl fī Al-Jazāʾir [Workers' Authority in Algeria]. Berlin: Arab Democratic Center



How to Cite

Arbitration in Algerian Labor Law. (2025). Arabic Journal for Translation Studies, 4(10), 222-239.