Translation is a Historical, Cultural and Artistic Phenomenon that Relates to the Peoples of the World


  • Jihad Faiz Al-Islam University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran Author



Universality of Translation, , Development, Culture, Theories, History


This study aims to address the issues of translation as a cultural phenomenon and an artistic and strategic skill to connect the peoples of the world to each other, because of the human, living, civilizational and cultural commonalities between them at various levels. It has become difficult to ignore the universality of translation and its important status, and the tremendous and rapid developments it has undergone for the better. From its historical synopsis and through the development of its theories, such as the theories of Jacobson, Halliday, Catford, Nida, George Steiner, Jean Rune-Rademiral, and others.

In this study, the researcher attempted to describe and analyze the phenomenon of the diversity of translation, its developments, and some of its theories, based on the problem that we formulate as follows: What about modern translation, its types, arts, skills, and theories? What are the latest developments in it? Through this research paper, the researcher discussed some types of translation and focused on the cultural dimension, skill, and theories such as Nida’s theory. The research reached a number of results, and the goal is to enrich the translation library with this type of studies.


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2024-08-03 — Updated on 2024-08-03

How to Cite

Translation is a Historical, Cultural and Artistic Phenomenon that Relates to the Peoples of the World. (2024). Arabic Journal for Translation Studies, 3(8), 153-167.