The Efficiency of Artificial Intelligence in Specialized Translation: An Applied Study on Pharmaceutical Terminology


  • Mina Makhoukh Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tangier, Morocco Author
  • Karima Lyhyaoui Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tangier, Morocco Author
  • Ismail Mellouki Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tangier, Morocco Author



Artificial Intelligence, Translation, Pharmacy Terminology Translation, Human Translation


With the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence technologies, tools such as ChatGPT and Gemini have emerged as promising options for translation, expanding beyond the earlier reliance on machine translation tools like Google Translate. However, the accuracy and suitability of these tools for translating specialized terminology, particularly in the pharmaceutical domain, remain under question. This study aims to compare the performance of these tools with human translation as documented in the Unified Dictionary of Pharmaceutical Terms, focusing on translation accuracy, contextual relevance to the pharmaceutical field, and identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each tool.

To achieve this, a sample of 230 pharmaceutical terms was selected, translated using the three tools, and then compared with the standard human translation. The research aims to provide insights into the potential of AI in specialized translation, offering recommendations for enhancing its performance and supporting future studies to develop more precise and specialized models. The significance of this research lies in highlighting the efficiency of these tools in meeting the needs of scientific and medical fields, where precision is a critical factor in avoiding errors that could have serious consequences for human health.


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Author Biographies

  • Mina Makhoukh , Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tangier, Morocco

    King Fahd School of Translation
    Email :

  • Karima Lyhyaoui, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tangier, Morocco

    King Fahd School of Translation
    Email :

  • Ismail Mellouki, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tangier, Morocco

    King Fahd School of Translation
     Email :


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How to Cite

The Efficiency of Artificial Intelligence in Specialized Translation: An Applied Study on Pharmaceutical Terminology. (2025). Arabic Journal for Translation Studies, 4(10), 40-57.