Role of Translation in Teaching Arabic Language to Non-Native Speakers
Translation, Education, Grammar-translation Method, Language, StrategyAbstract
There is no doubt that translation from and into Arabic is one of the finest arts. It has flourished and reached the height of its perfection from ancient times to our present era. The importance of translation has increased in our modern era, especially due to globalization, Translation has facilitated the delivery of information and news from one side to another in the shortest possible time, and for this reason Translation carries great importance, status, and sanctity among people. Translation is a means of transferring the cultures and civilizations of global nations and their customs, rituals, and traditions from one language to another. It is also a means of establishing commercial, industrial, military, and diplomatic dealings and cooperation between two or more countries. It is also a great means of enriching the language and developing it with different cultures and civilizations. All over the world, through it, people learn a lot of information and ideas, which is why translation and its various types has become the main focal point in any methodology for teaching foreign languages. However, it requires the translator to have more skill and practice for a long period of time to master it and achieve its maximum goals, especially in the field of education. . On this basis, this paper aims to shed light on the importance of translation in teaching the Arabic language to non-native speakers, and the extent of its effectiveness and responses in meeting the needs of non-native learners. This paper contains the introduction, a brief statement about translation and its importance, and also contains the impact and justifications for the grammar-translation method in Teaching Arabic to non-native speakers.
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