A Definitional Approach to Apuleius's Novel The Golden Ass





World Literature, Novel, Amazigh Literature, Ancient Narrative


This article comes to shed light on an important area within the global narrative repertoire, which is the novel "The Golden Ass". The problem of this study was to define this novel, and to reveal the importance of this study in that the Amazigh culture throughout the ages has interacted positively with various human civilizations, in terms of influence and impact, and its history is full of important names of writers, philosophers and religious scholars, who excelled in different fields of knowledge, and expressed themselves in different languages.
Perhaps the most prominent of these names is the creative Amazigh Lucius Apuleius, author of the novel "The Golden Ass". This article (the problem) came to define this novel, and to shed light on the extent of the interest it has received in ancient and modern times. To achieve this, I employed a descriptive and analytical approach. The research plan included an introduction and sections that discussed the most prominent events of the novel, basic narrative lines, and elements of artistic construction in it and their impact on the subsequent narration, and a conclusion that included the results reached by the study.


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Author Biography

  • Jaouad Zarrouki, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez, Morocco

    Qualified Professor, Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences, Sais-Fez
    Email : jouad2010@gmail.com


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How to Cite

A Definitional Approach to Apuleius’s Novel The Golden Ass. (2024). Arabic Journal for Translation Studies, 3(9), 374-384. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14031555