What Is Irony? An Exploration of Multiple Perspectives on the Concept





Irony, Laughter, Humor, Sociology, Philosophy


This paper explores various philosophical, sociological, and critical perspectives on irony as a research subject. This study aims to bridge the knowledge gap in the existing literature on the study of irony. Numerous views have emerged to deconstruct this complex expression and to understand its essence and functions within different social and cultural contexts. Some perspectives perceive irony as a liberation tool, offering individuals a significant space to critique social systems and prevailing ideologies. Conversely, others see it as a false ideology, destroying morals and taste. Some scholars view irony as a mechanism for domination and superiority, or even as a means of demeaning opponents. While some consider it excessive entertainment, opposing seriousness, others find it a powerful instrument for social reform. In addition to discussing these various opinions, this paper also addresses the distinction between irony and other similar expressions, such as laughter, humor, jest, teasing, and joking.


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Author Biography

  • Yassine Bouchouar, Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco

    Researcher in Sociology
    University Institute of African, Euro-Mediterranean, and Ibero-American Studies
    Mohammed V University, Morocco

    Email : Bouchouaryassine@gmail.com 


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2024-10-31 — Updated on 2024-11-06

How to Cite

What Is Irony? An Exploration of Multiple Perspectives on the Concept. (2024). Arabic Journal for Translation Studies, 3(9), 358-373. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14045313