Teaching Arabic to Francophones: Contrastive study of phonetics and syntax between Arabic and French
Language, Contrastive Linguistics, Contrastive Approach, TranslationAbstract
Objectives: We will study language problems by teaching Arabic to non-native speakers (the French-speaking students as a model), and we will try to find practical solutions to language problems in these students through: "contrastive linguistics". We will focus our research on the phonetic and syntactic levels.
Methods: This research is based on the "contractive approach" between the languages: Arabic and French, two languages that do not have the same linguistic root. Arabic is a Sami language, and French is an Indo-European language. And we know that every language is bound by grammatical laws which make it totally different from this second language. Therefore, the student can only stimulate the new language (Arabic) through a contractive approach, which we can find in translation studies. Therefore, these studies can be useful in the education of the Arabic language to non-native speakers.
Results: Finally, we come to conclusions and practical solutions by which non-native speakers can learn Arabic easily. The contracting process between the student’s mother tongue and the Arabic language will have a significant impact on the education of the new language, especially when defining vocal or syntactic linguistic problems, and the resolution of these problems through the contrastive approach.
Conclusions: This research highlights the important role that "contrastive linguistics" plays in language teaching in general. One can speak of a "contrastive curriculum", which corresponds to the requirements of the learner and his knowledge of his mother tongue (the French language), and which adapts to personal acquisitions to grammatical rules acquired in advance. The "contrastive curriculum" has an important role in teaching Arabic to non-native speakers. It is an approach that helps to adopt appropriate strategies to achieve the overall goals of the Arabic language teaching process. From there, several oral and/or written problems arise, which we have tried to study to arrive at practical solutions.
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