The Syntactic Structure of the Form "tamfa`al" from a Comparative Linguistic Perspective
Verbalizer, Phase Closure, Light Verb, Interface Morpho-syntactic, IncorporationAbstract
Many grammarians and lexicographers were embarrassed to use the "Tamaf’ala" structure; Because it was confused by “tafa’lala” from what was an original "mim", some of them considered it a little abnormal, while others denied it altogether and in detail, so he took it to error and delusion and did not consider the occurrence of verbs such as: "tamaskana"(he become poor),"tamadra’a) "wearing armor), and "tamandala" (wipping dirt with napkin). While others included it within the verb structures attached to the quadrilateral more with one letter, and considered its derivation from nouns beginning with an extra "mim" as standard.
This paper plans to reveal how to derive the verbs of this construction from nominal origins, using two concepts: one is lexical by Arad (2003), the other is synthetic by Baker (2003); intended to answer the following questions:
- How are these verbs derived from nominal origins? And where does it take place? Is it in the lexicon or in the syntax?
- what is the relationship of the syntactic structure of these verbs to their semantic interpretation?
It is based on a comparative linguistic approach (between Arabic and Hebrew); he draws from the theory of distributed morphology as it is in Marantz and Halle (1993), Marantz (1997) and related works, to propose a morpho-syntactic analysis of this type of derivation.
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