TheProper Noun in the Crossways of Translation: a Case Study of Quranic Names


  • Mounir Saifi University of Madrid, Spain Author



proper noun, translation, meaning, common noun, literalism, dynamic equivalence, Quranic names


 This study deals with the phenomenon of proper nouns in translation.Iargue that the proper noun, like the common noun, is endowed with a potentialof significance and a relationship to meaning that can be sometimes rather complex. Such complexity could lead to confusion while transferringproper names from the SL to the TL. Through the comparison of several methods appliedin the transfer of proper nouns in two different French translations of the  Coran, I unveil the contrasting theoretical principles underlying them. Reflecting a literalist tendency, one of these translational approaches aims, more than anything, at preserving the local characteristics of the ST by transliterating its proper nouns into the TL; while the other, concerned first and foremost with the homogeneity of the TT and the comfort of its reader, culturally transposes the ST proper names. 


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How to Cite

TheProper Noun in the Crossways of Translation: a Case Study of Quranic Names. (2024). Arabic Journal for Translation Studies, 1(2), 34-48.